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Paternity Testing Do’s and Don’ts

In the state of Arizona, there are strict rules around the establishment of a child’s presumptive paternity. In most cases, paternity can...

Simon Law Group Win!

Article IV, section 1 of the US Constitution is commonly referred to as the “full faith a credit” clause. It states: “Full Faith and...

Dismissing an Order of Protection

An order of protection is a very serious legal motion that can have a high impact on the life of the person who is placed under one....

Using Social Media During a Divorce

It’s all too common these days for people to share every aspect of their lives on social media. This is understandable! After all, these...

Tips for Grandparents During Divorce

Divorce can be a fraught and emotionally devastating time for any family. It can be especially distressing for grandparents, who may face...

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